This verse seems to tell us that our Creator, 'The Most High,' has a name (as does His Son), yet what is that name, and where is it in our English language Bibles?
There are over 2,500 recorded deities from world history that are collected in this book.
Many religions have names for their gods or deities, i.e., Allah, Buddha, Krishna, etc. Yet, our Almighty Creator in our English Bibles doesn’t seem to have a name. Instead, it becomes quite apparent that the title of 'Lord' has replaced His Set-Apart Name.
For when we speak to people of other faiths and ask them who their god is, they will call them by their names or titles, such as Allah, which means 'god' in Arabic, or Lord Krishna in Hinduism. These English words or titles greatly reduce our Creator's identity and sovereignty to the point where His name is sadly forgotten.
These common words or titles disrespectfully add Him to this category of thousands of deities that are also called just gods and lords within the English language.
The foundation of every belief system is built upon one thing: the nature and character of the one they believe in and place their faith and hope in. In order to be able to do this we must know who the one we believe in is.
Naturally, the first thing we do when getting to know someone is to ask what their name is. Once we establish that, we proceed to find out more about who that person is as we start to form a relationship. Then, every time we say or think about that person’s name, we think about them as a whole and relate their name to their identity and who they are in character.
The Hebrew word for name is 'SHEM':
Shem (H8034) is described in Strong's Concordance as: character, reputation, memory or renown.
It also states: Names make a statement about an individual.
The name by which the Most High reveals Himself reflects something of His person and the work He does.
Therefore, we are not only discussing a name as something we call an individual by, but we are also looking at the character and person of the individual who in this case is our Creator. So, in asking the question, 'What is the Father’s name?’ we begin an incredibly interesting journey of revelation and start to really know who He is.
Let’s see if the Scriptures and history can answer this question. Let's go to: