The Name Above
All Na​​mes

Still Not Convinced?

Scripture teaches the following about our Father's name, which is incorporated into His Son​​'s name:

Psalm 124 v 8
"Our help is in the name of YaHuWaH​."

John 2 v 12
"We have forgiveness on account of His name."

Acts 4 v 12 or Joel 2 v 32
"We have deliverance in His name."

Acts 4 v 12
"There is NO OTHER NAME un​der the hea​vens by which we can be saved."

Acts 2 v 38
"We should be baptized in His name."

John 20 v 31
"We have life by believing in His name."

Acts 3 v 16
"We have strength by faith in His name."

1 John 2 v 12
"Our sins are forgiven in His name."

John 3 v 18
"Those who believe in His name are not condemned."

1 John 5 v 13
"Those who believe in His name possess everlasting life."

Psalm 91 v 14
"YaHuWaH delivers us and sets us on high because we know His name."

Psalm 91 v 15
"YaHuWaH will answer us when we call upon His name."

Psalm 91 v 15
"YaHuWaH will be with us in times of distress because we call on His name."

Psalm 91 v 15-16
"We will be delivered, exalted, esteemed, have long life, be satisfied because we know His name."

Matthew 18 v 20
"When we gather in His name He will be in our midst."

John 14 v 13
"Whatever we ask in His name will be given to us."

John 14 v 26
"The Helper / Set-Apart Spirit is sent in His name."

These are just a small portion of Scriptures that refer to the names of YaHuWaH and ​Yahushua (YaHuWaH saves/delivers). Don't you think that it is worth making sure that you are using the correct names that give esteem and honour to our Father, the One who created us? And His Son who died for us? We most certainly do! 
There are many more examples

Scripture also teaches the following:

Exodus 3 v 15 
"His name is forever."

Psalm 105 v 2
"We should call on His name and talk about His name."

Psalm 86 v 12
"We should fear His name."

1 John 3 v 23
"We should believe in His name."

Micah 4 v 5
"The righteous walk in His name."

Isaiah 50 v 10
"We trust in His name."

Psalm 20 v 21
"His name defends those who serve Him."

2 Samuel 7 v 26
"His name is to be magnified forever."

These scriptures clearly declare His name:

Jeremiah 16 v 21

Amos 9 v 6

Psalm 83 v 18

Exodus 20 v 1

Jeremiah 10 v 16

Malachi 2 v 2

Isaiah 42 v 8

Exodus 6 v 2-3

Isaiah 51 v 15

Hosea 12 v 5

Exodus 3 v 15

Amos 4 v 13

These people in scripture knew His name:

Genesis 12 v 18
Abraham called upon His name.

Genesis 25 v 21-23
Isaac prayed using YaHuWaH's name.

Genesis 28 v 16
Jacob used His name.

Exodus 9 v 16
Moses was raised up to declare His name to the whole earth.

Ruth 2 v 4
Boaz greeted in His name.

1 Chronicles 16 v 2
King David blessed in His name.

Psalm 20 v 5
King David called on His name.

David also wrote in His name.

1 Kings 18 v 24
Elijah called upon His name and fire came down from heaven.

John 5 v 43
Yahushua came in His Father's name.

John 17 v 26
Yahushua made known His Father's name.

Acts 2 v 38
Peter preached in His name.

Acts 3 v 6
Peter healed in His name.

Acts 5 v 40
The disciples were warned not to teach in His name.

Lastly, we see a wonderful picture when the trumpet (shofar) sounds and Yahushua returns. What will be written on their foreheads? His NAME and His Father’s NAME!

Revelation 14:1 & Revelation 22:4

Next up...

What About The Title God?

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