"You do not bring the shem (name) of YaHuWaH, your God, to naught, for YaHuWaH does not leave the one unpunished who brings His name to naught."
The third commandment of the covenant between YaHuWaH and his people has to do with the proper use of His name and our actions. YaHuWaH is, in Hebrew 'Qodesh' which means 'Set-apart', and the name of YaH is also Qodesh / Set-apart. Therefore, the misuse of His name is forbidden. YaHuWaH will hold anyone who profanes His name accountable. To address YaHuWaH by the title Lord (Ba'al) or God (Gad) brings His name to naught.
As mentioned in a previous section to bring His name to naught means to make void, empty, worthless. To flippantly use the name, or to say the name carelessly or without thought to the set-apart character of the one whose name is being used, is to bring His name to naught. Ultimately we must not dishonour His name or, diminish it. To mishandle His name indicates that you do not love YaHuWaH and you do not want to honour or revere Him.
Also, to never mention His precious name brings His name to naught. When addressing Him in prayer, it is essential to our relationship that we call upon Him by His name. Just as we address humans by their given name, we are to speak to our heavenly Father by using his revealed name—YaHuWaH.
Those who hate His Name are inviting curses...
As we have discussed earlier, the Hebrew word for name is 'Shem':Shem (H8034) is described in Strong's concordance as character, reputation, memory, or renown.
It also states:
So, the commandment also refers to the way you talk or think about the character and person of YaHuWaH...
Many say that they love YaHuWaH and His Son Yahushua, yet their actions and deeds do not match up to Messiah's teachings. One cannot lead a life where they proclaim their faith and love on one hand but sin is accepted on the other. By fearing/revering our heavenly Father and learning to obey His commandments, we can see how He blesses us and protects us from harm, but as history proves, humans tend to worship idols and heap curses upon themselves, which only lead to destruction...
If we have brought YaHuWaH's name to naught, we need to repent of doing so! Our amazing teacher and Messiah Yahushua told us that the 'truth sets you free,' and He knows that idol worship and the lack of desire of not knowing and revering His Father cause detrimental consequences for us, and He wants us to be free from this world's terrible and dark ways.
The scribes and translators of scripture have brought the name of YaHuWaH to naught by removing His name from the scriptures and making it a law not to speak the 'Divine Name.'
Woe to them, for they will not go unpunished...