The Name Above
All Na​​mes

The Truth About
The Name 'Jesus'

Did You know the letter J is only
500 years old?

Here is a copy of the 1581 and 1599 Geneva translations of the New Testament. You can see there is no letter 'J.'.  Five hundred years ago, no one had ever heard of the name 'Jesus.'. When researching the letter 'J,' we find that it is a little over 500 years old.

As you can see, many early Bibles do not contain the letter 'J. '. The letter 'J' doesn't exist in the Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, and Latin languages...

The Messiah's name could not begin with the letter 'J' as this letter did not exist some 2,000 years ago. Our Messiah was born in Israel and spoke Hebrew. He was from the tribe of 'Yahudah' (Judah) and was given a Hebrew name.

So is Jesus a Hebrew name? No. Ask any Israeli or Hebrew linguist...

So where does it come from? Jesus was derived from the Greek name 'Iesous.'. Note here that the lexicon above states that the Greek name Iesous is of Hebrew origin. Iesous was erroneously transliterated from the Hebrew name of the 'Messiah—'Yahushua'—as you can see from the table below.

The Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend by Prof. J.C.J. Metford states:

"It is known that the Greek endings 'sus,' 'seus,' and 'sous' were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as a means to give honour to their supreme deity Zeus." 

Here is a copy of the 1611 KJV Gospel of Luke, Chapter 4, verse 27:

Instead of using the name for the prophet 'Elisha,' the name 'Elizeus' has been used instead. The name Elisha means 'Elohim (The Almighty/God) is Salvation.'. Elizeus means 'god is Zeus.' So, we clearly see how the Greeks inserted their pagan god's name into scripture.

The 'zeus' or 'sus' ending, which is also used in 'Iesus / Jesus,' refers to the Greek sun god Zeus, a Pagan deity! Eli-zeus and Je'zeus are hybrid names that became infused into the New Testament through the translators' Hellenistic associations with the contemporary Paganism of their day.

Here’s the hard fact…
The name of the Messiah is NOT Jesus.

Think about it for a moment... If the Messiah was born a Hebrew, then He would have been given a Hebrew name, and His name should be left in the Hebrew tongue.

When we talk about the prime minister of Israel, Benyamin Netanyahu, we say his name exactly as it sounds in the Hebrew tongue. We don't transliterate his name to Greek and then to English. We write and say it in English as it sounds in Hebrew.

So what is the Messiah’s true Hebrew name?

The name given by the Father to His Chosen Son is actually 'YAHUSHUA' which means: 'YAH is salvation / delivers.'.

In Hebrew it is written as יהושוע (Yod, Hay, Waw, Shin, Waw, Ayin), reading from right to left. It is derived from Strong's no. 3091 Yahoshua (the 'o' is pronounced as an 'oo' sound) Yahushua (yah-hoo-shoo-a). In Matthew Chapter 1, verse 21, the Messenger (Angel) Gabriel told Joseph/Yosef, who was an Israelite and spoke Hebrew:

"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give Him the name........because He will save His people from their sins."

Was that name the Gabriel gave to Joseph the Greek name 'Ieosus,' honouring the Greek god ​​Zeus? Was that name Jesus honou​​ring the Greek god Zeus? (it couldn't be; the letter J didn't exist) or was that name the Hebrew name 'Yahushua,' meaning 'YaH is salvation, saves/delivers'?

His name clearly depicts what Gabriel said he would do: SAVE people from their sins. 

How amazing is that!?

YaH is the shortened name of YaHuWaH—the Father’s Name.

Can you see the Father’s name in the Son’s name?

It is a much more meaningful name and conveys the true essence of who He is and why He came. Every time you declare the name Yahushua, you declare that YaHuWaH saves/delivers.

How powerful is that!?

Here is a copy of the Hebrew manuscript of the Book of Matthew:

If you look at the right-hand side of the page and the tenth line down, you will see the Hebrew name—Yod, Shin, Waw, Ayin—which reads as 'Yshua' written at the end of the line reading from right to left of the 10th line. We know that Y'shua was written as the shortened version of Yahushua...

Here is a copy of a page from the Aramaic Hebrew manuscript of Matthew from the British Museum. It shows Matthew Chapter 1 Verses 18-25 as preserved by Jewish scribes down through the Middle Ages. It is the account of the naming of Yahushua.

Verse 21 says:

"And she shall give birth to a son, and you shall call His name Yahushua, for He shall save His people from their sins."

YAHUSHUA means: YaHuWaH is

It's simple really. His name reveals why He came. The original shortened form of the Son's Hebrew name, 'Y'shua,' is easily identifiable in the picture even for those not familiar with old Hebrew writing. The last word on the bottom left of the image above is the name of 'Yahushua' written in Hebrew Aramaic script.

The Jewish scribe who copied the Hebrew Matthew wrote the name Y'shua in large letters in recognition of its importance in the context of the naming of Messiah. The name Y'shua was written without vowel points, as was common in most ancient manuscripts, and it was written in the shortened/Aramaic form. Y'shua is the shortened or contracted form of Yahushua.

The name Jesus is nowhere to be seen!

John Chapter 17 Verse 11

"And I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Set-apart Father, guard them in Your name, which You have given Me, so that they might be one, as We are."

So think about it for a minute! Which one has the Father’s name? Is it 'Yahushua,' a Hebrew name meaning 'YaHuWaH is salvation,' OR 'Jesus,' a Greek name originating from and giving honour to pagan deities?

1 John Chapter 3 Verse 23

"This is His commandment that we should believe on the name of His Son. Yahushua Messiah."

It is high time to remove the lies we have inherited! The same situation was happening during Jeremiah's time, and the people ended up sacrificing their babies to 'Ba'al,' their lord! In our times, a similar problem exists within the ultra-liberalised world, the apostatised church, and abortion...

Next — Truth or Tradition?

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