The Name Above
All Na​​mes

Let's have a look at some more names in scripture and go back to their Hebrew pronunciation and meanings. See how many have the name YaH, YaHuWaH, or El in them. There are quite a few.

Names in Scripture

Samuel / Shemu'el = Heard by El

Joel / Yo'EL = YaHuWaH is El

Obadiah / ObadYAHU = Servant of YaHuWaH

Micah / MikaYAHU = Who is like YaHuWaH

Habakkuk / ChabaqqUq = Embrace YaHuWaH

Haggai / ChaggiYAH = The Feast is YaHuWaH

Ezra / EzrAH = My Help is YaHuWaH

Matthew / MatithYAHU = Gift of YaHuWaH

Luke / LukAH = My Light is YaHuWaH

Peter / KephAH = My Rock is YaHuWaH

Judah / YAHUdah = YaHuWaH be praised

Zerah / ZerAH = The Rising of Light is YaHuWaH

David / Da'ud = Well beloved of YaHuWaH

Uriah / UriYAHU = My Light is YaHuWaH

Jehoshaphat / YAHoshaphat = YaHuWaH is the Judge

Uzziah / UzziYAHU = Strength of YaHuWaH

Josiah / YoshiYAHU = Founded of YaHuWaH

Joseph / Yoseph = YaHuWaH has added

Job / YAHshub = YaHuWaH will return

Jeroham / YAHrocham = YaHuWaH is compassionate

Jonathan / YAHonathan = YaHuWaH has given

Benjamin / BinYAHmin = Son of (YaHuWaH) the right hand

Zedekiah / TsidqiYAHU = Righteousness of YaHuWaH

Hizkiah / YechizqiYAHU = Strengthened of YaHuWaH

Zebadiah / ZebadYAHU = Endowment of YaHuWaH

Obadiah / ObadYAHU = Servant of YaHuWaH

Elijah / ELiYAHU = My El is YaHuWaH

John / Yochanan = YaHuWaH has favoured

Joshua / YAHoshua = YaHuWaH is Salvation

Zechariah / ZekarYAH = Remembered of YaHuWaH

As we can clearly see, the names of these many people give us incredible insight as to who our Creator and Saviour is.

Next we will take a look at some scriptures that express the importance of the name of YaHuWaH.

This Is My Name Scriptures

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