Names in Scripture
Samuel / Shemu'el = Heard by El
Joel / Yo'EL = YaHuWaH is El
Obadiah / ObadYAHU = Servant of YaHuWaH
Micah / MikaYAHU = Who is like YaHuWaH
Habakkuk / ChabaqqUq = Embrace YaHuWaH
Haggai / ChaggiYAH = The Feast is YaHuWaH
Ezra / EzrAH = My Help is YaHuWaH
Matthew / MatithYAHU = Gift of YaHuWaH
Luke / LukAH = My Light is YaHuWaH
Peter / KephAH = My Rock is YaHuWaH
Judah / YAHUdah = YaHuWaH be praised
Zerah / ZerAH = The Rising of Light is YaHuWaH
David / Da'ud = Well beloved of YaHuWaH
Uriah / UriYAHU = My Light is YaHuWaH
Jehoshaphat / YAHoshaphat = YaHuWaH is the Judge
Uzziah / UzziYAHU = Strength of YaHuWaH
Josiah / YoshiYAHU = Founded of YaHuWaH
Joseph / Yoseph = YaHuWaH has added
Job / YAHshub = YaHuWaH will return
Jeroham / YAHrocham = YaHuWaH is compassionate
Jonathan / YAHonathan = YaHuWaH has given
Benjamin / BinYAHmin = Son of (YaHuWaH) the right hand
Zedekiah / TsidqiYAHU = Righteousness of YaHuWaH
Hizkiah / YechizqiYAHU = Strengthened of YaHuWaH
Zebadiah / ZebadYAHU = Endowment of YaHuWaH
Obadiah / ObadYAHU = Servant of YaHuWaH
Elijah / ELiYAHU = My El is YaHuWaH
John / Yochanan = YaHuWaH has favoured
Joshua / YAHoshua = YaHuWaH is Salvation
Zechariah / ZekarYAH = Remembered of YaHuWaH